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Asia-Pacific College is a new, independent institution dedicated to the preparation of well-rounded, visionary future leaders. It grew out of ideas and values that drive the Center for Asia-Pacific Exchange (CAPE), a non-profit organization in Honolulu, Hawaii, established in 1980. CAPE is dedicated to promoting mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation among the people of the Asia-Pacific nations by providing opportunities for professional collaboration, educational exchange, and scholarly research.

More than 8,000 students from 16 countries and over 2,000 local Hawaii residents have participated in a wide variety of CAPE sponsored courses and seminars, allowing this organization to make a considerable contribution to the progress of international understanding and cooperation. Asia-Pacific College, founded by the president of CAPE, Dr. Jai-Ho Yoo, will take this achievement a step further by providing a long-term, interdisciplinary degree program that integrates CAPE’s ideals of promoting harmony under conditions of increasing global interdependence with practical leadership training.

APC and CAPE will continue to work together to realize their shared goals of a world made safer through friendship and cooperation. As one example, recently APC and CAPE have begun collaborating to provide the International Program for College Students, an intensive month-long English-language program held on-site in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, currently mainly attended by Korean university students interested in improving their English and experiencing the local culture.

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